I felt sad that I have delayed in wearing the hijab – Nora Jasmine


I felt sad that I have delayed in wearing the hijab – Nora Jasmine

One day I visited the mosque with my husband for the first time, I was nervous as I do not know what to expect or the mosque etiquettes. Even when my husband tried to brief me before we went in, my heart was palpitating so hard that his words just did not get into my head. Alhamdullilah, I went with the flow and performed my Magrib prayers and hence, I have experienced the peacefulness in the mosque for the very first time. As I visit the mosque more often in the next few weeks, I realized I want to be as properly dressed as the Muslimahs around me. Deep in my heart, I felt sad about the fact that I have delayed in wearing the hijab and I do not wish to do it any longer. My husband has been so supportive that he allowed me to take my time as it is my journey to Allah and he wants me to be 100% sure and sincere about it.



Own Story of Reverted Chinese Woman ………..!!

My name is Nora Jasmine and I am a Chinese revert from Singapore, a multi-racial country in South East Asia. I have revert to Islam on 11 May 2013 with the support of some of my close friends, my husband and his family and my family especially my mother. Alhamdullilah. My mother accepted the fact that I want to be a Muslim even though she had a hard time coming to terms with it. She has been very supportive and understanding throughout this life changing period of my life and I am very grateful for that. Indeed, I am very blessed that Allah made my journey a pretty smooth one to bring me closer to Him.

Since I became a Muslim, the thought of donning on the hijab has never left my mind. However, for some reasons like “Let’s wait till we have kids” or “I am not ready for it yet”, I went on delaying it for a year. Even though I live in a multi-racial country, there are still fears in me that the people around me may not be able to accept. Whenever I think about putting on a hijab, I become nervous and my heartbeat became so fast.

One day in April 2014, I visited the mosque with my husband for the first time, I was nervous as I do not know what to expect or the mosque etiquettes. Even when my husband tried to brief me before we went in, my heart was palpitating so hard that his words just did not get into my head. Alhamdullilah, I went with the flow and performed my Magrib prayers and hence, I have experienced the peacefulness in the mosque for the very first time. As I visit the mosque more often in the next few weeks, I realized I want to be as properly dressed as the Muslimahs around me. Deep in my heart, I felt sad about the fact that I have delayed in wearing the hijab and I do not wish to do it any longer. My husband has been so supportive that he allowed me to take my time as it is my journey to Allah and he wants me to be 100% sure and sincere about it. Alhamudullilah.

So, one day, I chanced upon “30 Days Hijab Challenge” on World Hijab Day Facebook page and I thought it will be a wonderful thing to do during Ramadan.

I told my mum, my husband and some of my friends that I wish to start my hijab journey. Alhamdullilah, I put on my hijab full time on first day of Ramadan 2014. Since then, I am so grateful that Allah has brought me closer to Him once again. I feel more protected and respected than ever and I am proud to be a Muslimah. My husband is surprised that I have chosen to put on my hijab a year after I revert but he is definitely happy that I have chosen this path out of my own will, for Allah, the One and Only.

So sisters, if you are in the dilemma like I did, pray to Allah that He will make your journey a smooth one… He will always be here and hold us through our struggles, whatever it may be. In Shaa Allah, may you find the strength to do it and in every right thing you wish to do.

To World Hijab Day, keep up the good work. The stories of fellow sisters have definitely inspired me to pick up the courage. In Shaa Allah, you will continue to inspire many more as well.

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Courtesy :
World Hijab Day
Taqwa Islamic School

Islamic Educational & Research Organization (IERO)